Aspire Golden State Prep Panthers

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Aspire Public Schools Mission & Vision Statement:



  • Aspire scholars are prepared and empowered to build a fulfilling and liberated future for themselves and their communities.


  • Provide a rigorous, joyful academic experience that cultivates our scholars’ skills, talents and gifts, such that they may pursue & persist in college or any post-secondary pathway that is authentic to their identities;

  • Promote inclusivity and disrupt systems that have historically oppressed marginalized communities, including Black, Latino/a/x, Indigenous, and People of Color; and

  • Nurture our scholars’ pride in their abilities, identities, and communities.



Aspire Golden State Prep Vision Statement:


Our students are critically literate and empowered. By embodying our GSP values of family, equity, growth mindset, respect/integrity, and purpose/passion, they become leaders, ready to leverage college and careers to enhance their lives and those of their families and communities. #leaders

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